Hepatitis A + Typhoid Vaccination
Hepatitis A Vaccination
Further information Children: This vaccination is suitable for children over the age of one. Side effects: Side effects can include a high temperature, feeling tired and soreness at the injection site. Additional precautions: When in areas where hepatitis A is common, it’s important to practise food safety, water hygiene, and hand hygiene. Risk caused by […]
Polio, Diphtheria & Tetanus Vaccination
Further information Side effects: Mild side effects like soreness at the injection site or feeling unwell may occur. Additional precautions: Polio, tetanus, and diphtheria are severe illnesses that can lead to various complications, including fatalities. Risks caused by polio, diphtheria & tetanus: Complications from polio, diphtheria, and tetanus include paralysis, respiratory failure, heart problems, and […]
Typhoid Vaccination
Further information Side effects: Possible side effects of the vaccine include fever, injection site soreness, and digestive issues. Additional precautions: Practise food safety by consuming only thoroughly cooked foods, avoiding raw or undercooked meat, washing fruits and vegetables with clean water, and avoiding tap water, ice cubes, and street food from unhygienic sources. Risks caused […]